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Yami Solar Pump
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YAMI Corporation is a pioneer in the field of solar submersible pumps, committed to providing cutting-edge solutions for renewable energy. We have attracted the attention of worldwide markets by putting a significant emphasis on innovation, cost-effectiveness, and energy efficiency. 15 years of productive experience For almost a decade, YAMI Corporation has been at the forefront of research and development with a purpose to transform the water pumping business. Our professional staff combines a lot of expertise and experience in screw pump technology, allowing us to deliver excellent solutions that exceed standard centrifugal pumps. Our objective is to promote the use of sustainable energy solutions by providing creative, dependable, and energy-efficient solar submersible pumps. We are dedicated to offering long-term pumping solutions that meet the increasing global need for water management while reducing environmental effect. At YAMI Corporation, we prioritize innovation, cost-ef .... Show More

YAMI Corporation is a pioneer in the field of solar submersible pumps, committed to providing cutting-edge solutions for renewable energy. We have attracted the attention of worldwide markets by putting a significant emphasis on innovation, cost-effectiveness, and energy efficiency.
15 years of productive experience
For almost a decade, YAMI Corporation has been at the forefront of research and development with a purpose to transform the water pumping business. Our professional staff combines a lot of expertise and experience in screw pump technology, allowing us to deliver excellent solutions that exceed standard centrifugal pumps.
Our objective is to promote the use of sustainable energy solutions by providing creative, dependable, and energy-efficient solar submersible pumps. We are dedicated to offering long-term pumping solutions that meet the increasing global need for water management while reducing environmental effect. At YAMI Corporation, we prioritize innovation, cost-effectiveness, and energy efficiency. We embrace constant innovation to push the frontiers of screw pump technology, creating cutting-edge, customer-exceeding products through tireless R&D. Our high-value proposition of exceptional performance at reasonable pricing is driven by affordability, making sustainable pumping solutions accessible. Our screw pumps outperform centrifugal equivalents in terms of energy savings without sacrificing performance, hence lowering carbon footprints. We are proud of our unique helix rotor solar submersible pumps, which are developed for unrivaled efficiency and dependability. These pumps collect groundwater efficiently using solar power for a variety of uses ranging from agricultural irrigation to home supply and aquaculture. Our ideals guide us in developing cutting-edge, environmentally sustainable pumping technologies.

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Hebei, China

Business Type Manufacturing
Region/Country Hebei, China
Number of Employees 11-50 employees

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Company Branches.
Country : China
City : Hebei
Address : Xingguang industrial park,Caidian distric,Wuhan city,Hubei province,China

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